Client Hub

When sending data please aim to use the following file formats. Conversion from other formats is often possible, however there is always a risk that conversion may not be 100%. The following represents typical usage and benefits of certain files types. If in any doubt please contact for advice on the most suitable format.

Data Recommended Formats
Text The vast majority of online text is written in plaintext. Different platforms allow different methods of formatting the text, although it is still edited in a plaintext editor. Transfering content intended for online usage is generally most efficient. .txt
Formatted Text If complicted formatting is required then publishing tools can help to convey the information. However please keep in mind they will generally require most extensive converting and reformatting than plain text.
  • .pdf
  • .odt
  • .fodt
Tables of Data If you have a lot of data that is represented in a table then you likely have the ability to access that data in a spreadsheet. For simple data a Comma or Tab Seperated Variables file is the simplest. If your spreadhseet requires formulas then an OpenDocument spreadsheet will be most reliable.
  • .csv
  • .ods
  • .fods

Images will generally need resizing and compressing for online usage. If you wish to undertake that beforehand please check the required sizes for your needs. Photos are generally displayed as JPEGs, and artwork is typically a PNG. GIFs have limited colour range but may be used on occassion, most commonly for animation.

If images require editing they are best sent at the highest quality and resolution possible to maintain as high quality as possible. Where possible, unflatten images with access to the various layers will allow for the fastest and highest quality work.

  • .jpg
  • .jpeg
  • .png
  • .gif
  • .tif
  • .tiff
  • .psd